Placing an advert with the BSTP is an effective way of reaching those working in the field of Toxicological, Experimental and Clinical Pathology in Europe and beyond. It’s easy too. Job postings can be placed online, both on the BSTP website and on the BSTP group LinkedIn page. We accept other adverts too, with flexible options to suit your needs.
Posting an open position on our Website:
Open positions are displayed on most pages of the website with a link through to an individual page giving details of the position. In order to post a position with the BSTP we will need the following information:
- Position title (e.g. Senior Toxicological Pathologist)
- Company name
- Company logo (small thumbnail size say approximately 100 x 100; ideally .jpeg, .gif or similar)
- A small “teaser” about the job/company – usually 3 or 4 sentences/50 or so words; no more than 300 words
- Either a .PDF file containing more information about the job/how to apply, or a URL which we can link to contain all of the information required (feel free to supply both, both will appear online)
We are very flexible and would encourage you to contact the Secretariat to discuss your options.
Current Charges for an open position posting (subject to change without prior notice):
£150 per month on the BSTP Website
£200 per month on the BSTP Website and BSTP Group LinkedIn page
Invoices are sent once the advert has been uploaded with payment due on receipt of invoice.
Please contact the BSTP Secretariat to discuss all advertising requests -