Registration to take part in some of these webinars is free with the dial in details provided at least one week prior to the date of the webinar.
For confidentiality reasons if you are not a member of the BSTP or any other recognised pathology society but, you are a veterinary student or resident, or an early career pathologist you will be required to provide written confirmation of your status from your Head of Department (on headed paper) before you are sent the dial in information.
Where available, recordings of webinars are available in the members only area of the BSTP website.
BSTP/STP - Carcinogenesis Webinar - 27th October 2020
BSTP/STP - Respiratory Webinar - 10th November 2020
BSTP/STP - Pathology of Mice With Humanised Immune Systems - 8th December 2020
BSTP/STP - The Fog Dissipates: Insight Into Pulmonary Effects of Vaping - 25th May 2021
BSTP/STP - The Risk Based Approach to Nonclinical Development of Cellular Therapies - 27th September 2022
BSTP/STP - Overview and Derisking of Findings Associated With the Intrathecal Administration of Antisense Oligonucleotides in Nonhuman Primates - 13th December 2022
BSTP/STP - Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology of the Auditory System - 19th September 2023
BSTP/STP - Assessment of molecular pathways associated with AAV-induced DRG toxicity in mice and monkeys offers opportunity for potential biomarker development - 19th March 2024
Webinar Dates:
Details of other webinars taking place in 2024 will be available in due course.
If you would like your details adding to the mailing list or have any queries regarding webinars that the BSTP are involved in, please contact the BSTP Secretariat
IATP/BSTP Webinars
Dates are still pending for two more webinars: AAV-mediated hepatotoxicity, translational aspects (Speakers Basel Assaf and Larissa Mege (Sanofi) and a webinar on NASH (Speaker Michele Vacca (University of Bari)) . The preliminary date for this webinar is September 2024.
11th Joint Webinar ESTP/SFPT/BSTP and ECVP/ESVP*
September 12th, 2024: 16.00 – 17.30 (Berlin time)
The webinar committee would like to invite you all to attend the 11th Joint Webinar of the ESTP/SFTP/BSTP and ECVP/ESVP on Thursday, September 12th, 2024. The joint webinars were well attended with over 200 participants. These webinars are free of charge and will qualify for CE certification. The CE registration for participants needs to be requested via the feedback form.
*Sponsored by the ESTP, SFTP, BSTP and NVT
The title of the webinar is: Digital Pathology in veterinary and toxicologic pathology
- Aleks Zuraw (Crl- USA- Frederick) – Introduction to digital pathology
- Lise Bertrand (Crl - Global) – Application of digital pathology in toxicologic pathology
- Elena Ricardi (IDEXX-UK- Wetherby) – Application of digital pathology in veterinary diagnostic pathology
We look forward to your participation.
If you would like your details adding to the mailing list or have any queries regarding webinars that the BSTP are involved in, please contact the BSTP Secretariat -
This is a pilot FDA program recommended for all members of the BSTP: Guidance Snapshots.
The WSI and Peer Review guidance's are discussed in podcasts by Lynda Lanning - a long time member of the STP.
(Official caveat- Guidance Snapshots are a communication tool and are not a substitute for the guidance document.)