The BSTP's governing document is a legal document and works as a guideline, setting out:
- the charitable purposes (‘objects’)
- what it can do to carry out its purposes (‘powers’),
- who runs it (‘trustees’) and who can be a member
- how meetings will be held and trustees appointed
- any rules about paying trustees, investments and holding land
- whether the trustees can change the governing document, including its charitable objects (‘amendment provisions’)
- how to close the charity (‘dissolution provisions’)
BSTP Constitution
The BSTP Constitution as amended in 2021 is available below.
2021 BSTP Constitution (228.2 KiB, 275 hits)
BSTP Data Protection Policy
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018 and describes how organisations – including the BSTP must collect, handle and store personal information. The BSTP's Data Protection Policy is available below.
BSTP GDPR Policy - 2025-2027 (229.6 KiB, 23 hits)
BSTP Insurance
Where an event is organised by the BSTP (or the BSTP is the lead organiser), the BSTP have an annual Insurance Policy to cover such events.
2024/2025 Certificate of Employers' Liability Insurance (132.6 KiB, 421 hits)
BSTP Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The BSTP is committed to an inclusive, diverse, and equitable culture within the Society, including service delivery and, if appropriate, employment. It is recognised that in wider society, groups and individuals have been, and continue to be, discriminated against on the basis of age, disability, gender (including gender reassignment), gender identity, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, or beliefs.
The BSTP is committed to fostering an environment in which members are able to truly be themselves, realise their full potential, and to contribute to the BSTP’s success irrespective of their age, disability, gender (including gender reassignment), gender identity, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, or beliefs. This is a key BSTP value to which all members are expected to give their support.
BSTP Diversity and Inclusion Policy - 2023 - 2025 (235.7 KiB, 360 hits)
BSTP Cookie Policy
The BSTP website uses cookies and/or similar technologies to administer the website, the BSTP's Cookie Policy is available below.
BSTP Cookie Policy - 2023 - 2025 (188.0 KiB, 299 hits)
BSTP Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy
The BSTP strives to follow the highest ethical standards in all our interactions around the world. All members can be proud of our reputation as an ethical and responsible society. While we abide by business customs and market practices in the countries in which we do business, we do not allow or participate in any corrupt business practices.
BSTP Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy 2023 - 2025 (221.1 KiB, 555 hits)