The BSTP shall in each year hold an Annual General Meeting at such time and place as the Council shall determine. Not more than 15 months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting and the next.
The Society will have one Annual General Meeting a year to conduct the general business of the Society including:
- Consideration of the report of the Council on the previous year’s work and the audited or examined financial statements;
- Consideration of any resolution proposed by the Council; or on the requisition of not less than 3 members of the Society having the right to vote at an Annual General Meeting, provided that the requisition is received by the secretary not less than 30 days before the meeting.
Every two years the business of the Annual General meeting shall additionally include:
- The election of members of Council for the coming two years;
- The election of a President, Junior Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer for the coming two years;
- Appointment of an auditor or independent examiner.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened with at least 30 days notice by the Council or by 10% of Ordinary Members giving written notice to the Honorary Secretary with reasons for convening the meeting.
A notice of all meetings will be delivered to all members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting PROVIDED that accidental failure to notify any member shall not invalidate the meeting and PROVIDED that a general meeting called with shorter notice shall be deemed to be valid if so agreed and 95% of all members entitled to attend vote thereat. The notice shall include the date place and time of the meeting and details of any resolutions to be passed.