Existing Members
The membership year runs from 1st April through to 31st March of each year with no discount or refunds available if joining or cancelling mid-term.
Membership renewal for the year 1st April 2024 through to 31st March 2025 is now underway.
2024/2025 Membership Renewal (544.9 KiB, 369 hits)
If you have not renewed your membership for 2024 - 2025, please contact the BSTP Secretariat as soon as possible - bstpsecretariat@gmail.com
Membership of the BSTP gives you:
- Reduced registration fees for events organised by the BSTP.
- Preferential access to a CPD programme covering intermediate and advanced symposiums and meetings, including both practical and theoretical days. You will have access to a blended learning approach which includes pre-reading and the opportunity to engage with speakers and other delegates during an event.
- Subscription to Toxicologic Pathology at reduced rates; which gives you 8 issues a year and the ability to search online issues going back to 1999.
- Networking opportunities to help you to build your professional relationships with those working in the field of toxicological, experimental and veterinary pathology, as well as other related areas. It’s also a great way to keep in touch with colleagues.
- The chance to get more involved with the society – either as an elected member of Council or as a member of the Education Subcommittee. This will help you to increase and develop your external profile and enable you to learn about other business skills such as finance, publicity, meeting organisation, newsletter/website design and maintenance, and running a charity.
- A chance to get involved as a scientific organiser, where you will gain experience relating to meeting organisation, network with well-known scientists in the field and increase your CPD credits for organising and attending.
- The opportunity to represent the society on the editorial board of Toxicologic Pathology and other professional scientific committees e.g. INHAND.
- Members of the BSTP can take advantage of a 50% reduced rate on Royal Society of Biology membership for the first two years, enabling you to take advantage of a range of additional benefits, including the Continuing Professional Development programme and the professional awards.
- Access to STP/BSTP webinars and the Experimental Pathology Slide Review (EPSR) free of charge.
New Members
The BSTP welcomes new members and is open to anyone with an interest in the field of toxicological or experimental pathology.
The membership year runs from 1st April through to 31st March of each year with no discount or refunds available if joining or cancelling mid-term.
2024/2025 Membership Application (281.8 KiB, 138 hits)
The BSTP has a single category of “Ordinary Membership”.
In the constitution Ordinary Membership will mean:
“Individuals applying for Ordinary Membership should normally be actively engaged in toxicological or experimental pathology and their experience and training must be acceptable to Council. Also, individuals who are recognised by Council to have an active interest in or are actively supporting toxicological and experimental pathology, and whose experience and training are acceptable to Council, may apply for Ordinary Membership of the Society. Application when submitted should include a curriculum vitae and any other relevant supporting material together with supporting letters from two Members of the Society. Ordinary Members shall have all the privileges of Membership, including the right to vote and hold office, and they shall pay an annual fee of £60.”
The council consider all applications for membership and applicants will be notified by the Honorary Secretary regarding approval.
Benefits of membership
- Preferential rates for attendance at Continuing Education Symposiums and meetings organised by the BSTP.
- Opportunity to comment on guidance documents etc., before they are implemented.
- Networking with other pathologists in the field.
- Access to the Member’s Only area of the website with more content.
- Access to the Experimental Pathology Slide Review (EPSR)
- News and events reports.
- Subscription to Toxicologic Pathology at reduced rates
As a member of the BSTP you can take advantage of a 50% reduced rate on Royal Society of Biology membership for the first two years, enabling you to take advantage of a range of additional benefits, including the Continuing Professional Development programme and the professional awards.
Access to webinars organised by the STP and BSTP free of charge.
Further details on the membership process can be obtained from the BSTP Secretariat – bstpsecretariat@gmail.com